lundi 9 novembre 2015

Fractal Landscape Generation

Using the middle point algorithm for 2D terrain :

And the diamond square algorithm for 3D terrain :

The results given by my Fortran 90 code can be rendered using f90gl :

The roughness or flatness of the terrain are configurable :

vendredi 2 octobre 2015

dimanche 23 août 2015

Coupled model - Source codes

ARPS - Wind damage propagation in forest version

Source codes :

Post processing files :

dimanche 26 juillet 2015

Wind damage propagation in forests

Damage propagation, Forest wind damage, Tree motion, Wind risk

Download the article:

Contributions : 

1-Dupont, Brunet designed the research
2-Pivato deeply modified the research, Dupont was against these changes
3-Pivato worked during more than 5 years including 18 months without funding
4-Pivato carried out the first model simulations and data analysis
5-Pivato wrote his PhD dissertation
6-Dupont, Brunet contributed ideas to the dissertation
7-Pivato defended his PhD and quit the INRA (May 2014)
8-Pivato worked for the publication of the 3rd chapter of his dissertation
9-Dupont, Brunet took Pivato apart from the publication of his work
10-Dupont improved the model simulations and data analysis
11-Brunet contributed ideas to the data analysis
12-Dupont, Brunet drafted the manuscript and of course Dupont made himself first author
13-Dupont, Brunet submitted the manuscript to Nature (January 2015) without the agreement of Pivato
14-Nature refused the manuscript without reviewing it
15-Dupont, Brunet submitted the manuscript to Nature communication
16-Nature communication refused the manuscript without reviewing it
17-Dupont, Brunet submitted the manuscript to PNAS
18-PNAS refused the manuscript without reviewing it
19-Dupont, Brunet submitted the manuscript to AFM
20-The manuscript was reviewed and sent back for revision
21-Pivato dissented from the way the manuscript was drafted
22-Dupont, Brunet called upon the INRA legal department to defend them because they were blindly persuaded to be right. They lied by saying Pivato did not contribute to the writing of the manuscript.
23- The INRA legal department forced Dupont, Brunet to add the mention “Dupont, Pivato contributed equally to this work”
24- The manuscript was sent back to the AFM and accepted

The purpose of this webpage is to warn people.
As I saw pain and tears in the eyes of a good person who was despoiled by Yves Brunet.
As my work was cowardly recovered and exploited by Sylvain Dupont and Yves Brunet.
Be careful if you plan to work with these two usurpers.

dimanche 31 mai 2015

The Code

Here is the f90 code of the model described in Pivato et al, 2014. This version provides the animation described at the end of the article ( .plt file, use tecplot to post process)

mardi 20 janvier 2015

Phases of damage propagation during a windstorm

Here is a slide from my PhD defence, showing the different evolution phases of damage propagation during a windstorm ( Same simulation as the animations published here the 19/11/2014 )

And here is a serie of results (from chapter 4 of my PhD dissertation) showing the two main phases ( 1 - damage start/ first minor gust (dashed line) and 2 - damage propagation acceleration/ more important gust (continuous line). Phases 1 and 2 can be the same, phase 2 can never occured.

These different cases are related to a study concerning the effect of foliar area reduction on damage propagation.

vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Modelling wind damage propagation in a homogeneous forest

This is chapter 3 of my PhD dissertation (also available on ResearchGate):

Abstract: In order to investigate wind-tree interaction and tree damage propagation in windstorm conditions, a tree swaying model accounting for large tree deflections and considering the possibility of tree breakage is coupled with a large-eddy simulation airflow model. The model is applied on a homogeneous Maritime pine forest under windstorm conditions. It is first shown that the well-known characteristics of canopy flow remain identical in windstorm conditions and that tree motion has a negligible impact on the wind dynamics. Then, tree damage propagation during windstorms is analysed in relation to windstorm intensity. Under similar conditions the level of damages can differ significantly between two identical stands, depending on the occurrence of critical gusts. Once the first damages are initiated, the velocity of damage propagation is similar for windstorms of similar intensity and increases exponentially with windstorm intensity. This is the first time that tree damages are explicitly simulated using an airflow model applied in windstorm conditions.

Keywords: Fluid-structure interaction - Tree motion - Turbulent flow - Large eddy simulation - Wind damage - Windstorm.